Default password update for Spadmin account through SSB

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We are following containerized SSB approach to deploy sailpoint , we need to update the default password for spadmin. Please suggest how to achieve this through SSB .

We tried updating using the file but still facing issue as the database will be holding the default password it is not allowing to login with the password provided in this file

 Username and encryptPreformatted texted password used by importdynamic to access the console.
 This can be removed, in which case the user will be prompted for credentials.
console_pass=**new password ***

Hi @Deepamv77,

in are stored the info to deploy with SSB, you cant change the password there.

spadmin is an identity and you can change on the identity directly:

on Preferences:


even on debug or with PWI if create an AD account and correlate with spadmin identity.

Hi @enistri_devo ,

I need to dynamically set the new password while building sailpoint image and deploying through containerized SSB approach not through UI or debug, please suggest any other approach is there to get the default password updated while building sailpoint through ssb

You can change the pwd on the create db file, before the creation of DB, where there is the query to create ths spadmin identity.

Also, you can use Update Identity Attribute API

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