Custom workflow : Forgot Password OOTB Quicklink

Hi All,

I would really appreciate your help and time !!

I am getting the below error while trying to render my custom XHTML page on click of forgot password OOTB quick link.

Step 1: Click on forgot password link

step 2: set-up hint QA -

step 3: After verifying user Q/A → Click on continue

step 4: on click of continue, I have written below steps to render my custom XHTML form (see below for reference)

My code work till step 3rd, and after that getting below form error

Form Error :
A form could not be found for new user registration. This is a system configuration issue. See your system administrator.

File path :\identityiq\web\workitem\abc.xhtml

case1: In case of user-defined custom quicklink on my sailpoint home page, same workflow steps works and I am able to open/render my custom xhtml form.

case 2: But In case OOTB forgot password quicklink, rendering (abc.xhmtl) in not happening.
