Creating a field of type secret in ISC

Hi All,

We have a requirement to pull one attribute in ISC which should not be visible to anyone in clear text value. Please suggest if it is possible to create a secret field in ISC or is there any other way to achieve this use case.

Thanks & Regards,
Nitin Jain

Hi @nitin_m_jain ,
You can not directly hide/mask it. Here is an open idea for it:

You can encrypt the value using identity attribute rule and show in id attribute but I feel that will be no use in case you want to use it in any rule/transform directly.

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Hi @nitin_m_jain,

What type of attribute you want to create in ISC, identity attribute or account attribute.

Thank You.

Hi Bapu,

It will be identity attribute.

Nitin Jain

I know this is not what you will be looking for but if you don’t want them to be readable in identity Attribute, maybe you can use a transform to change the data .
Something like this:

    "name": "Randomizer",
    "type": "concat",
    "attributes": {
        "values": [
                "type": "randomAlphaNumeric", //change type if your data contains text only 
                "attributes": {
                    "length": "10" //determine based on the length you need
                "type": "accountAttribute",
                "attributes": {
                    "sourceName": "HR Source", //change source name
                    "attributeName": "employeeID" //change attribute name
                "type": "randomAlphaNumeric", //change type if your data contains text only 
                "attributes": {
                    "length": "10" //determine based on the length you need



Output will look something like this:


Now, let us say if you want that to be readable and something that only few people will know the pattern to, maybe you can add some Keyword in between to understand this fully

Obviously this is a workaround for now!! But do letme know if you end up using this

OR way better is if you want to kind of show as encrypted data, use this base 64 encoding transform:

  "type": "base64Encode",
  "name": "Base64 Encode Transform"

Output will be base64 encoded string.

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