Hello everyone, I’m trying to create a generator that is able to take in input an attribute and for example if the attribute starts with “F” than returns with “FFFF” if start with “T” than return “TTTT” if it is not starting with these letters it will return the empty string. Thanks in advance.
Hi @s_tartaglione
You can use “static transform” Static | SailPoint Developer Community.
I believe in velocity template you can use “startsWith” to satisfy your use-case.
Thanks for your response. But i created a static transform as the documentation mentioned, but when I’m trying to use the POST API to Create the transforms, that will create a transform inside a “meccanical account” while I want to create a generator that is able to generate this kind of behaviour
This part , have not understand fully. But in-case you want a alternate approach to generate an identity attribute value you can use “Identity Attribute Rule” Identity Attribute Rule | SailPoint Developer Community