Create workflow for vacation user

Good evening!

We are having trouble creating a workflow in which before the user goes on vacation, he receives a message in Slack to activate the routing of his approvals to another user.

Does anyone have an idea or a template that fits this scenario?

And how do we configure the integration with Slack to trigger the message?

Thank you.

Hi @Trout4057,

Welcome to the community.!

Do you get the vacation start date feed from your HR source.? If so, you can create a transform that updates the Identity attribute as (Vacation - Y/N) based on the start date. Here is a sample you may want to refer.

Then create a WF with Identity attributes changed trigger detecting the Y/N changes. IDN workflow has a slack message action available in case you have the slack application installed. See details

If not, you will need to have an HTTP action, calling the slack API’s to send the required messages.


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