Joiner Workflow in IdentityNow

Hi All,

I have requirement user start date = current date need to create AD account and generate random password and send email to end user.

Could you please guide me how to do this requirement?

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This is typically accomplished using the lifecycle states on the Identity Profile. You may also need a transform to calculate the ‘active’ lifecycle state from the start date. If you need an example of this LifeCycleState transform, let me know.

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Thank you so much for your response.
Could you please provide example ?

Here is an example of a transform to calculate the lifecycle state. Apply this transform to the LifecycleState attribute in the Identity Profile. The startDate and endDate must be present or you can edit these attribute names in the transform code.

“name”: “Determine Lifecycle State v3”,
“type”: “dateCompare”,
“attributes”: {
“requiresPeriodicRefresh”: “true”,
“firstDate”: {
“attributes”: {
“name”: “startDate”
“type”: “identityAttribute”
“secondDate”: “now”,
“operator”: “gt”,
“positiveCondition”: “prehire”,
“negativeCondition”: {
“type”: “dateCompare”,
“attributes”: {
“firstDate”: {
“attributes”: {
“name”: “endDate”
“type”: “identityAttribute”
“secondDate”: “now”,
“operator”: “gt”,
“positiveCondition”: “active”,
“negativeCondition”: “inactive”

you are looking to setup identity profile config which will put users in lifecycle you want, then you need to provision Ad account and then email send. This is something you can achieve using OOTB provisioning and OOTB email templates but the “Workflow” component you see in UI is not going to get used for this.