Create a Single Master Ticket for Multiple entitlement request for single user at a time

Hi Team,

We have requirement that user request multiple entitlement of same or different application, once it is submitted currently OOTB creating separate access request for each entitlement request and this creating multiple tickets in the ServiceNow. Can all the entitlement of same or different application can be fitted into single access request and create only one Master Ticket in service now

Example: We have two disconnect application App1 and App2 with each entitlement in it. We have raised for user for App1 and App2 Entitlement. Two access Request are created for App1 and App2 Entitlement. In service Now we are able two separate tickets are created.

As per our requirement, can two request in IDN can be merged to single request and only single Master ticket which included App1 and App2 information created in the ServiceNow side.


Right now that is not possible, the SDIM integration can only capture the provisioning plan (i.e. what is going to be provisioned) of a single application and put that into a ticket.

So if you have entitlement 1 and entitlement 2 being provisioned at the same time for the same application (source), that would be one ticket. But if these entitlements are from different applications, then this will create separate tickets.

Hi @sauvee

Thanks for the Reply. In our environment if we raise request for Two entitlements Ent 1 and Ent 2 of same application for a user , I am able to see two access request and two separate access request and two Servicenow tickets are created. Do we have any configuration to included both entitlements of same application in one access request and one service now ticket should be created in IDN.

As far as I know, when you create a single access request, containing both entitlement 1 and 2, i.e in a role or access profile, that is provisioned in a single provisioning plan and thus send as one to the ticket integration, resulting in one single ticket. If this is not happening, it must be that the provisioning plan is being split due to some configuration part.

In my experience a single request from Request center create only one REQ ticket into ServiceNow. This REQ contain one RITM per source and each RITM have one SCTASK.

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