Correlation and uncorrelation identities

Dear community,

Currently im doing the essentials training, and i dont urdenstand why the application chat has all the identities uncorrelated…

so if want to correlated one identity this case albert in the “identity target” display the merge uncheck

when i checked i see this error

what does mean

Here is the report when show that all the identities from chat are not correlated

Hi @fugitiva ,

Any Identity created in Sailpoint from an application which is not marked as source application, those identities are flagged as uncorrelated Identities.

you can stop these identities to be created in Sailpoint by checking Option “Only create links if they can be correlated to an existing identity.” option on aggregation Task.

Hi @dheerajk27 thank you for your answer,

If I understand correctly you mean “An application which is not marked as source application” is that the application is selected as “Authoritative Application”?? if this true no, is not check

About the next “you can stop these identities to be created in Sailpoint by checking Option “Only create links if they can be correlated to an existing identity.” option on aggregation Task.”

Why should I stop creating those identities in sailpoint, currently the option is unchecked. should I check it???

Its a normal behavior that the application chat has all the identities uncorrelated??

Hey Sara,

This option will correlate the application accounts with identities, if there is an identity which satisfies the correlation configuration given in the application config. If you do not want account from this application to be created as an identity you can check this option. Also, every correlated identity needs to be connected to one authoritative source.

Hi @aishwaryagoswami thank you for you answer.
So because the chat application is not an authoritative application thus all those identities are not correlated, because ONLY the correlate identities are the ones which are check on the application as authoritative application, is that correct?

  1. Application → check as authoritative application -->identities get correlated with sailpoint, where how? i want to understand what this identities get correlate to what
  2. Application → not check authoritative application → identities dont get correlated

if i check the spt_identity, are the identities correlated and not correlated

Hey @fugitiva ,

Yes, you are almost correct.
Take a look that the solution of this question raised in compass this will clear your doubt -

Quoting a little bit of the solution here " Identities who only have accounts in a non-authoritative sources are often called “orphans”. In case of an orphaned account for a natural person, it could be a left-over (some account that has not been removed, while it should have been), or the correlation logic simply did not suffice to automatically find a match. In the latter case, such an account needs to be correlated manually. Legal “orphans” could be service accounts, system accounts and other technical accounts.

Orphaned accounts can still correlate to existing identities without becoming marked as “correlated”".

I would recommend, go through the entire thread in that community link, you will get some pretty good insight on this :slight_smile: Hope this helps.

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