Connection to AD with personal tenant not connecting

Hi my friends. I have setup a 2012 AD here, on virtualbox. I configured tenant to access it, but it ends in timeout.

I can access from host via ldapbrowser at 389 port, and bind works.

Also, nc from VA to 389 and 5050 (iqservice) shows succeed.

I modified log4j AD log to debug level, and when I perform the test connection it only shows the following.

Any idea what can I try? I am exhausting mines…


Hi @jsosa ,

If you are using the hostname in your connection rather than IP, you need to declare it in hosts.yaml file on your VA’s. Since nc command works for IP and port on the VA, connectivity isn’t a problem I suppose. if hostname is used, it is failing to resolve to the IP causing time out error.

Uday Kilambi

Thanks Uday, I am now trying only with ip. And all in plain text (ad 389 and iqs 5050). I am setting up a VA from scratch right now, to see if there is some problem there, although tenant says connection is fine.

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