Connect to Active Directory with TLS

I am trying to set up a new AD source with TLS enabled. Have followed all steps, but getting this error during “Test Connection”

Any help would be highly appreciated

CA used to sign your AD certificate is not in you Trust Store (on your VA). You have to add it in order to make this certificate validated properly

Here is manual how to do that

And few more usefull docs:

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Thanks @kjakubiak

I will check these and get back to you

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I had copied the wrong certificate in the VA. After fixing Test Connection was successful before setting up the IQService. However, once I added IQService details, I am getting the following error during Test Connection

@iamology did you check the TLS option in IQService and what is the port you have mentioned in IQService?

Looks like network issue now, generaly as long as you don’t configure iqservice details test connection is checking only LDAP connection to AD, once iqService is configured id checks also RPC calls. Do you have network traffic allowed between iqService and DCs?

Yes I have enabled the TLS under IQService settings and port is 5527


Both DC and IQService servers belong to the same domain and I am using domain Administrator login in both VMs. I have also added an Inbound rule to allow access to port 5051,5502, 5527 & 5528 to the Firewall settings in IQService server

Also aggregation works in the source

Thanks both for your input