Configuring Multiple Entitlement Requests

To enable the connector to send multiple entitlement request of different enlistment types in a single request to the managed system, set the addRemoveEntInSingleReq parameter to true as follows:

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at

I think some clarification needs to be made on this document…

When the document refers to sending “Multiple Entitlements” within the same request, what it is ACTUALLY saying is that you can send multiple entitlements of the same TYPE.

So if you have $plan.RoleId$ as your entitlement and in your Account Schema an Identity can have more than ONE of these (ie. RoleId1, RoleId2, RoleId3) Then when you use the information in this document, the Connector will be able to send ALL of those roles over in a single request.

Meaning, THIS part of the documentation is correct:

{ "addRoleIds": $plan.addRoleIds$  }

1. If `addRemoveEntInSingleReq` is set to `false`, then the placeholder value for the attribute marked as an entitlement is passed in separate API requests.

First request payload:
jsonBody={ "addRoleIds": "9dd23398-b905-4878-b7ad-bc02d22171d9" }

Second request payload:
jsonBody={ "addRoleIds": "8defe39c0-54f6-47b4-8a15-fcc2622923sk" }

2. If `addRemoveEntInSingleReq` is set to `true`, then the placeholder value for the attribute marked as an entitlement is passed as an array and is executed in a single request.

Single request payload, passed as an ARRAY:
jsonBody={ "addRoleIds": ["97ee39c0-54f6-47b4-8a15-fcc262292386","8defe39

Where this falls apart, is defining what happens when you send Multiple Entitlement Requests of the DIFFERENT Types.

For Example:
You have on Entitlement Type called ROLEID and another entitlement type called SERVICEID.

Because these types are not the same, they will be sent as separate requests, EVEN if you have this <entry key="addRemoveEntInSingleReq"> set to TRUE.

This means that if your API requires multiple Entitlement Types be sent at the same time, eg…

     <firstname> John </firstname>
     <lastname> Doe </lastname>
     <ROLEID> $plan.roleId$ </ROLEID>

your request will fail…
Because ISC will send the Entitlements SEPARATELY, the API will only pick up one set and not the other.

tell me I’m wrong

Hi Bakhari, I don’t know if you’re wrong :slight_smile: but we’ll run your question by engineering and get their feedback. We’ve created a Jira issue to track the effort and we’ll update the comment thread when it’s been addressed: CONDOCS-4072

Hi all. The work on CONDOCS-4072 has been completed and the document has been updated. Thanks!