Combining Rule Types

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Version 8.2

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We currently have an exclusion rule which only looks at certifiable entitlements, but we also have a pre-delegation rule that we use in certifications. Is there a way to combine these two rules so we can run both in one certification?

Hi @Alyson_Trad

Yes you can.

Exclusion Rule comes at the beginning of the certification generation rite. Where as Pre-delegation Rule at assigning each certifiable item to some approver or decision maker.

Which certification type you are going to use by the way ?



We are running Manager and Entitlement certifications. We typically only use the pre-delegation rule, but want to implement the exclusion rule. Not sure if this is possible

I am not sure if you are thinking to combine both Pre-Delegation and Exclusion Rule into a single Rule, if yes then NO.

You can use them separately.


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