Change stateRoleAssigned to Automatic value


We have several identities with LifeCycleState attribute set manually.

We need revert this situation ant it is necessary to change this value to Automatic, but we don’t see what is the way to change this value

We have noted that is possible to retrieve how the value was changed, using the following url:


and in the response we see the stateRoleAssigned value asigned to Manual.

so, my questions is, Is it possible change stateRoleAssigned to Automatic value? What is the way to do it?

Thanks in advance,

Hi Ismael,

Once a lifecycle state has been set manually, aggregation from source will ignore the attribute for that user until a change has been detected.

If you want to see the state set to “Automatic” you will need to modify the attribute on the target source for the user and re-aggregate. Once IDN detects a change in the source’s mapped attribute, it will re-calculate lifecycle state and set stateRoleAssigned to Automatic.
