Change Help URL on Web Portal

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Version 8.4

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Is there a way to change the URL of the help icon on the main page on the web portal?

Currently it redirects to the iiqlangingpage.htm which is in the deployed war file, but we want to redirect it to a local sharepoint site.

I think this is ootb and is hardcoded , if you want to add you doc pretty much you need to add the installer doc directory .

if you want to add the external URL , you can do that using plugin , we have done similar .

Hi @lweisz,

As @vishal_kejriwal1 mentioned it is OTB. But if you want to change it you can change the below line in menu.xhtml file from this

          <a href="#" role="menuitem" class="menuitem"
            onclick="SailPoint.launchHelp(CONTEXT_PATH, helpKey); return false;">


          <a href="<YOUR_URL>" target="_blank" role="menuitem" class="menuitem">

The solution which is provided by @Jarin_James works; however it opens the url in new tab.
To open the url in new window, you can add below script and use it in the onclick tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
    function openInNewWindow(url) {
  , '_blank', 'noopener,noreferrer,width=600,height=400');


refer the script in the below tag.

<a href="#" role="menuitem" class="menuitem" onclick="openInNewWindow(''); return false;">
<i role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" class="fa fa-question-circle fa-lg"></i>
   <span aria-label='#{sp:localizeKey("menu_label_help")}'/>

Thanks for the quick solution, it’s working.

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