Change from address in FORMS

Hi All,

I have a form created through workflows, and that form, is configured such that it send a reminder 7 days before the form expires.
Now, when the reminder notification is triggered it is coming from ([email protected]), Even though i have a client domain configured and that “FROM” address is coming when default notification is sent, but just on the reminder email, [email protected] is coming.

Is there any way i can remove that and change it to something else?


Have you tried adding the from to address in the reminder email template itself?

Hi Sunny, this issue is happening in workflows and also, i have added the client domain in System Settings>Product Branding>From Address. Still [email protected] is coming on reminder email as from address.

I don’t see a template for Forms in “Email templates” to change the from address.

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This is possibly a bug. The reminder email should be using the system configured email address. I have opened a bug ticket. Ticket number is PLTFORMS-2383.

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Is this bug on tenant level or Forms module itself ?

Could you please confirm Colin, we don’t have forms enabled in our Tenant yet but we are planning for some business requirements.

Engineering hasn’t analyzed the ticket yet. I hope to have more details soon.

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Thanks Colin for checking! Will be looking forward for the updates.

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