Certification reviewer list

Is there way to get the list of reviewers for ALL certification campaigns
who have not completed their access reviews?

Looking at the v3/beta apis - there does not seem to be a way to get this info


You can use certificatons api : Certification Campaigns

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I don’t believe you can with any single API, however, you could write a small script or app to call the list campaigns api get-active-campaigns | SailPoint Developer Community and then loop through call the pending certification tasks api with each campaign ID retrieved from the initial call. get-identity-certification-pending-tasks | SailPoint Developer Community

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Hi @baoussou
the report/response does not contain any reviewer info - just high level reportType and status


Yes, you will need to write a script, as there isn’t a single API call that returns everything you are looking for.

In your script after you get your list of certification campaigns, you can call GET v3/certifications?filters=campaign.id eq campaignId.

That will return the reviewer name, email, decisionsTotal, decisionsMade, and other data.

I recommend watching this webinar that walks you through how to write a script that generations a single pane of glass report on all active certification campaigns:


Let me know if you have any questions :slightly_smiling_face:

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