Hi good morning
I always enable AD and JDBC source logs with this request:
"clientId": null,
"durationMinutes": 700,
"rootLevel": "DEBUG",
"logLevels": {
"veniam_0": "TRACE",
"ut_9": "TRACE",
"sailpoint.connector.JDBCConnector": "TRACE",
"sailpoint.connector.ADLDAPConnector": "TRACE",
"sailpoint.connector.LDAPConnector": "TRACE"
log.error and log.info work well but ccg logs are not showing anymore the Provisioning Plan info. It used to show something like this:
<ProvisioningPlan nativeIdentity=\"uprueba\">\n
<AccountRequest application=\"TEST - JDBC - DBs [source]\" op=\"Create\">\n
<AttributeRequest name=\"comsum\" op=\"Add\" value=\"N\"\/>\n
<AttributeRequest name=\"perfil\" op=\"Add\" value=\"PI1\"\/>\n
<Attributes>\n <Map>\n <entry key=\"accessRequestType\" value=\"GRANT_ACCESS\"\/>\n
Do uyou still see the provisioning plan/account requests/attribute requests info on logs?