Can you bulk provision requestable Roles?

Using IdentityNow, after a role has been created, is it possible to bulk provision this role to the intended userbase? I am assuming the role will not be automatically provisioned i.e. there are no valid assignment rules. I want to avoid having to go through the full request and approval process i.e. I do not want an approval step to be completed for each role user, I want the role provisioned to each user without an approval being provided. I know I could set the role to have no approval step then bulk request the role but I think this is risky, you may forget to re-assign an approver, so I do not wish to do it this way.

I suppose the quickest way is to do just like you said, bulk request the role without an approver, and set approval after. Else if you find that too risky, set an approver and have that identity bulk-approve everything.

I don’t really see any other efficient way of doing it.

This post will help if you want to auto bulk request without disable approval. You can use a workflow to auto approve : Generic Workflow to Auto-Approve/Reject an access request - #9 by harishhaleon

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