I have made a schema attribute as an entitlement which has custom description which is not coming from API. I don’t want to download entitlements export update the description and upload it back. Rather I want to have a lookup of entitlement and its description. So, that while account aggregation description is also pulled based on entitlement.
I don’t want to do it by calling REST endpoint.
Is it possible to do via before/after operation rule or any other OOTB way?
Can anyone please suggest me on this?
HI @Amrit1897
At this time, updating entitlement descriptions directly through account aggregation is not possible through a Before or After Operation rule, as entitlements are typically tied to the source and don’t have a specific aggregation endpoint. The available methods for updating entitlement descriptions are limited to bulk uploads.
Bulk uploading entitlements, where you can modify the descriptions, remains the best option for updating them efficiently. Unfortunately, there is no out-of-the-box method or rule that allows direct modification of entitlement descriptions during account aggregation, as they are part of the source configuration and not exposed for modification in the way other attributes are.
That being said, I’m also eager to explore any other potential approaches that might work in this scenario, and I’d be happy to investigate further if you come across any alternative methods.