Campaign Filters - Deprecation

Wasn’t this to be deprecated and only have us use Search to create Certs? I know that during my training it was mentioned, and that was a couple of years ago.

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You can’t use search for uncorrelated account campaigns, so you have to rely on campaign filters. That’s just one example I can think of

The existence of that feature alone would lead me to believe that this feature isn’t being deprecated


Hi @mebowen ,

I never heard about any such announcement on deprecation of campaign filters. Campaign filters provide flexibility of defining several conditions with exclusion/inclusion criteria. Also, it is not only limited to define critieria based on identity variables, accessprofiles, role assignments, it can also be used to define conditions based on accountAttributes which is where search is limited to.

In my opinion, it shouldn’t be deprecated.

Uday Kilambi


Thanks, I recall during my SP Training (a few years back) it was mentioned, hence using the search to do the certs.


Been leveraging this OOTB cert feature for a long time :melting_face: :saluting_face:

Hello @mebowen ,

Campaign filters have not been deprecated and are very helpful when creating manager, source owner, and uncorrelated certification campaigns.
SailPoint has changed some names such as Exclusion Rule and Inclusion Rule to Exclusion Campaign Filters and Inclusion Campaign Filters.


That shows you can create an uncorrelated account campaign. Please show me where you are narrowing the scope of entitlements or identities using a search query after clicking “Uncorrelated Accounts”. My statement in the first reply was meant to show that you cannot filter using “search query” syntax after you click the “Uncorrelated Accounts” icon.

If, for example, you choose “Access Items”, there is an “access items returned by query” option, where you can have it return a list of access items from a search query. Uncorrelated accounts does not have this option, and only allows you to use campaign filters, which do not use search query language.

Uncorrelated account the word itself within IGA refers to orphan accounts as in the tool (in this context IDN) was not able to make a relationship to a unique identity and due to this reason a unique relationship of the said uncorrelated account’s entitlements cannot happen.

I did not understand the statement, “Please show me where you are narrowing the scope of entitlements or identities using a search query after clicking “Uncorrelated Accounts””.

If the system was unable to make a correlation and the account aggregated and or reconciled is treated as uncorrelated the information is unclear hence the certification will be on that source’s all uncorrelated account.

Would really appreciate if there is a reference of it working in IIQ because then I would really appreciate if the same can happen in IDN as well in the near future.

I was replying to Arshad’s post, not yours. I wasn’t sure if you thought I was replying to you or not

This is for ISC/IDN which is what we use, and I do not have any experience with IIQ.

I was saying one reason campaign filters need to exist is they are the only way you can do further filtering on Uncorrelated Account campaigns. The reply to me from Arshad was a screenshot of the screen where you can select “Uncorrelated Accounts” as a campaign type, but it’s my opinion that it did not show using a search query was actually possible, so I was asking for clarification.

I was just interested in your query Mark.
Because when you said the possibility of having filtration at account and or entitlement level that really piqued my interest so was wondering if you have seen such a solution in SailPoint’s different offering of IIQ.

And as I said in my previous comment regardless of Arshad’s comment which is still valid in my opinion that there is an OOTB feature. Uncorrelated accounts will not be searchable as it is not mapped to an identity.

Regardless of other comment I am still curious if you have seen such a solution please do let me know I like to recreate it now and then to gain new knowledge.

This is an open community forum where everyone is welcome to reply to everyone. Just as you are sharing your opinion on Margot’s post, Aman is doing the same with yours. It’s great to see such active participation and exchange of ideas!

Let me reiterate the question: The question was about whether this feature is deprecated, not about uncorrelated accounts.

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I wasn’t dictating who could reply to me, I was clarifying who I was replying to because it was unclear to me if that was known

I updated my original reply. It’s my opinion since campaign filters are the only way you can currently do further filtering on uncorrelated account campaigns, they’re likely not being deprecated

If they are, then I’d expect a new method to filter that campaign type would be released first

It is my understanding that we do not have any immediate plans to deprecate campaign filters. With that being said, search-based campaigns are the recommended way to go where possible.

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