Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.3

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SAP HCM Absences Rule DEV-QA.txt (6.61 KB)

Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

Hi community, I need help.

I currently have a rule that calls a SAP BAPI, in the development environment it works without problems, but in the certification environment, it generates the following error.

“Typed variable declaration : Class: SAPInternalConnector not found in namespace”

The library used in both environments is sapjco3, I rule out coding problems since it is the same rule ¿can I validate something else?

Hi @jluna ,

Try adding this import statement to the rule and test it.

import sailpoint.connector.SAPInternalConnector;

Hi Jarin James,

It was already tried with that import and it still doesn’t work, we also tried importing SAPHRInternalConnector and modifying the following line

SAPHRInternalConnector connector = (SAPHRInternalConnector)sailpoint.connector.ConnectorFactory.createConnector(“sailpoint.connector.SAPHRInternalConnector”, app, null);

But it does not work.

The attached rule worked very well for me yesterday in the DEV environment, but today it does not work, between yesterday and today we only had one recreation of instances on the servers, can this affect me?

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