Bug: Forwarding Request

What problem are you observing?

A: “When the owner reviews the request, it can Forward the request even if the user\owner does not have the privilege of forwarding”

What is the correct behavior?

A: “Forward request privilege should be given by IAM Admins, the role of approval cannot be given to anyone without considering IAM admin perspective “

Bugs are considered issues with a feature that prevents it from behaving as designed. In what way do you believe this feature is not working as designed?

A: “I think the forward request should be revoked from all users unless it is given by IAM admin”

What product feature is this related to?

A: Product: SailPoint IIQ Version 8.1.
Feature: SailPoint Users Right bug. (As no (Forwarding) privilege is granted to the Owner of Approval but still the Owner can be able to Forward the Approval to any Identity in IAM system.)

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

A: By requesting access to any System through Custom Workflow, the approval will be generated for the Direct Manager of the Requester, and the Direct Manager with no Forwarding privilege can Forward the approval, which should not be allowed.

@reem_fawaz ,

Workitem forwarding is default behavior, and it works in this way in OOTB configuration. As workaround you may use Global Forwarding Rule to restrict this forwarding.

But for OOTB feature customization you may open sailpoint ticket to get help regarding the modification of this default behavior.


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