Best Approach for Different Approval Workflows

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Hello Everyone,

What is best approach if the customer wants different approval structure for each applications?

For example:

App X: Manager → Application Owner
App Y: Manager → General Manager → Application Owner → Function Module Owner

And sometimes different approval for the same application for example for AD, some groups has different approvers than the other?

What is the best approach to implement this?

Hi @AhmedWaleed,

about me, the best way is work on workflow, checking every case and send the approval to the correct approver. Also, you can use Provisioning Approval Subprocess.

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Hi @AhmedWaleed,

This can be achieved by approvalAssignment Rule.

If you’re use the default LCM Provisioning workflow, include the approvalAssignmentRule argument in the Approve step of the workflow.

<arg name="approvalAssignmentRule" value="[Rule Name]"/>
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Hi @AhmedWaleed,

As @Arun-Kumar suggested, You can use approvalAssignmentRule variable to assign custom approval rule where you can write the logic to define approval based on your applications/groups.

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