Before provisioning rule - Windows


I’m looking to call a powershell script from a before provisioning rule.

We are trying to remove the domain accounts from the local administrator group, which is currently not supported in sailpoint, So we are trying to find an alternative way like using before provisioning rule and to call out an powershell script for provisioning.

You need to call Powershell script from Connector Before Operations rule



Thanks for the reply.

Is this rule supported for windows as well?

These rules are executed by IQService as mentioned under the Description of each rule… You can write Powershell script in the rule itself,

or as shown below have a line to execute any .ps1 file that is accessible from the machine where IQService is installed

$string =  'C:\SailPoint\IQService\PowerShellScripts\PowerShellFileName.ps1 "ArgumentToBePassed"'
Invoke-Expression $string

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