AzureAD random SSL error


I’m facing some random errors with Azure AD aggregation. I’ve iiq 8.1p3. I am getting the following error:

Exception during aggregation. Reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to Aggregate Error occurred while building object: {UserName} Exception occurred in processReadRequest. Error - Connection reset

Any idea? It doesn’t happen every time I run the aggregation.

Best regards,

Does a test connection work? Have you verified that the server doing the aggregation has a valid trust store setup for java? Any proxies involved that might be causing an issue?

Hi @derek,

Thank you for your reply. The test connection works properly, even the aggregation process was working one week ago. If I run a delta aggregation, the process ends, is on the complete aggregation task where Im receiving the error. About the store setup for java, you mean keystore?

yeah, the keystore… although if it was working and now it isn’t that’s odd. seems like something changed – or the something else is happening which is causing that error to be thrown. Maybe trace the sailpoint.connector.AzureADConnector class to see what activity is happen when that is thrown to provide more clues.

Was the test connection on the same server as the aggregation is running?
Account schema preview work?
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