Azure AD Delta Aggregation Failing - ClassCastException

Hello Sailors,

We are facing an issue with our Azure AD delta aggregation. I see there are similar posts about Azure AD aggregations failing and the solutions are remove risk attributes or set up partitions, but that is not the issue for us. We are able to successfully run the full account aggregation with partitions every time, it is only failing when we attempt to run delta aggregations. It is not failing at the same spot, but rather randomly throughout aggregation. It has even completed successfully a couple times when run right after a full aggregation, but almost always fails. Additionally, our connector is implemented using Logiplex, but that does not appear to be the issue.

The main takeaway from the error is that there is a class cast exception. What I cant understand is why the full aggregation would work consistently if this is a data issue. Below is the stack trace I am getting from analytics.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to perfrom delta aggregation sailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Error occurred in delta aggregationsailpoint.connector.ConnectorException: Exception occurred in processReadRequest.  Error - java.lang.ClassCastException
	at sailpoint.connector.AzureADConnector$DeltaSyncIterator.hasNext(
	at sailpoint.connector.ConnectorProxy$CustomizingIterator.peek(
	at sailpoint.connector.ConnectorProxy$CustomizingIterator.hasNext(
	at sailpoint.api.Aggregator.aggregateAccounts(
	at sailpoint.api.Aggregator.primaryAccountAggregation(
	at sailpoint.api.Aggregator.aggregateApplication(
	at sailpoint.api.Aggregator.phaseAggregate(
	at sailpoint.api.Aggregator.execute(
	at sailpoint.task.ResourceIdentityScan.doUnpartitioned(
	at sailpoint.task.ResourceIdentityScan.execute(
	at sailpoint.api.TaskManager.runSync(
	at sailpoint.api.TaskManager.runSync(
	at sailpoint.scheduler.JobAdapter.execute(
	at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$

Please let me know if any other information would be helpful in troubleshooting this issue.