Additional Resources
Automating IIQ Development.pptx (11.6 MB) -
Project files can be found at : GitHub - wim-vandijck-sp/devRelDays-CICD: Sample code for the Developer Relation days demo on automated IIQ builds.
Automating IIQ Development.pptx (11.6 MB)
Project files can be found at : GitHub - wim-vandijck-sp/devRelDays-CICD: Sample code for the Developer Relation days demo on automated IIQ builds.
I do something similar but with docker-compose. What would be the advantage of building a virtual machine vs just containerizing the application?
To be honest, I did it like this because those are the tools I’m familiar with and use on a daily basis. There’s no inherent advantage for one over the other.
People are looking at dockerizing iiq more, and this approach can also be used for that.
The idea was simply to show one way how to do it, there’s more ways to skin this cat