Automate Run Finalizer & Run Garbage Collector in Sailpoint 8.3p2

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Version 8.3

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Want to automate run Finalizer & Run garbage collector twice in a day.
We can able to run manually. But to reduce manual work we are trying to automate the run finalizer and run garbage collector.

Hi Yogesh,

In my research I didn’t find anything inside sailpoint to do so.
I have a workaround to automate this but it might not be very efficient.
You can write an AutoIT script to automate this whole procedure, and then you can simulate the whole procedure and make a service out of that script that will run twice.

But make sure to not hardcode your credentials if you chose this solution.
Here’s a sample auto it script that i wrote, It might need changes as per your instance and security standards.

;run google chrome
Run("C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe")
WinWaitActive("New Tab - Google Chrome")

;navigate to memory url

Sleep(6000) ; Wait for the webpage to load (adjust as needed)

; Read credentials from file
;Local $credentialsFile = @ScriptDir & "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\credentials.txt"
;Local $fileContent = FileRead($credentialsFile)
;Local $credentials = StringSplit($fileContent, ",")

;ControlFocus("SailPoint IdentityIQ - Google Chrome", "", "input[id='loginForm:accountId']")
; Send the password


; Click the button with class "ui-button-text ui-c"
ControlClick("SailPoint IdentityIQ - JVM Memory - Google Chrome","Run Finalizers")

you’ll have to install AutoIT software to run this

Please let me know if this solution is of any help