Auto-Account Provisioning during Aggregation

Hi All,

We have faced a weird issue where we are updating the user information directly at the source application. This included the attribute which is used for the correlation rule.

Post aggregation, the IDN is automatically provisioning an account with the entitlements we assigned earlier. I thought if I update the attribute which is used for correlation then that account will be marked as uncorrelated.

Anyone got any idea for this?

Hi @ZeelSinojia01,

Have you assigned entitlements to the user through the request center or through access request API’s.?

IDN’s entitlements are sticky in nature and you would need to revoke the entitlements through access requests or though certifications to remove the stickiness. If not, IDN would try to re-add the entitlements or even create the account if the account doesn’t exist for the user.

Uncorrelating an account could also trigger the account creation + entitlement assignment due to this stickiness.

Refer to this documentation for more info :

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Hey, Thank you so much for this! This was the issue where IDN was auto-provisioning because of sticky entitlements.

Learned a new thing.

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