Recently, we updated the afterRule for one of the webservices sources, which works well in lower environments. Same has been deployed to PROD as well.
Initially, we disabled the LCS Provisioning from Identity Profile, updated the rules, and started the aggregation. Initial aggregation went well; we could see IDN read the correct data per the new rule. So, we have enabled LCS Provisioning from Identity Profile and started the aggregation again. This time, we have noticed that data is not updated based on the new rule, and Attributes are reverted to their old values. Quite strange. We have stopped the aggregation immediately.
Following that, we have run three aggregations and notice that the data is updated correctly as per the new rule.
We are not sure why it was not calculated correctly at the second aggregation. Do you have any idea why it happens?
If you are having any attributes in your rule that are dependent on Identity Profile attributes and have mapped transforms, they will reflect the correct value after an Identity Profile refresh or on subsequent aggregations.
Without any additional logs of that aggregation run it’s tough to know the reason. If you are able to reproduce the issue, the logs could be used to troubleshoot the issue.