Audit log for user invitation: actor is incorrect

What problem are you observing?

If the user ADMIN invites the user TARGET to ISC, the logs say that the actor was TARGET, not ADMIN.

The actor and the target are the same, although I haven’t invited myself. Why?

What is the correct behavior?

The admin user inviting the TARGET should be set as Actor.

What product feature is this related to?

ISC Audit Logs

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  • Invite a user
  • Check log

Do you have any other information about your environment that may help?


Hi Andrei,

I am able to reproduce this.

If I login as my admin user (Colin) and I invite another user (Adam), the event log should show the Actor as Colin and the Target as Adam. I attempted this in my tenant and can see that the Actor is Adam and the Target is Adam. This does not seem like the correct behavior. I am checking internally to see who owns this feature and if this is a bug or not.