API to aggregate accounts for an identity

Hello everyone,

I would like to know if it’s possible to aggregate all accounts of an identity using the API. I tried using the “reload accounts” API, but I received a 404 error.

Can anyone assist with this or point me to the correct way to perform this operation?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Caio,

Please check below link to load accounts.


Hi @sivakrishna_1993,

Your solution is suggesting that OP perform an account aggregation on a specific source, which is not what they’re asking for. They are asking to perform a single account aggregation on all accounts tied to a specific identity.

@caio_lamim in your case, there is not an out-of-box API that will aggregate ALL accounts for a specific identity. However, if you are willing to use tools like the PowerShell SDK, you can accomplish this with just a little bit of scripting. Here is an example below using the email address of the identity to find all accounts tied to direct connect sources and aggregating them individually

$identity_email = "[email protected]"
$identity_id = (Get-BetaIdentities -filters "email eq `"$($identity_email)`"").id
$accounts = Get-Accounts -filters "identityId eq `"$($identity_id)`"" | Select-Object id,sourceid

foreach($account in $accounts){
    if((Get-Source -Id $account.sourceId).connectionType -eq "direct"){
        Submit-ReloadAccount -Id $account.id

Hi @caio_lamim
you can use this api


its a POST call

You can refer this documentation.
