API for Update Role

Can someone share the request body and URL information to update Role attriutes like role owner, displayname etc… ?

I am getting below error


request body

“msg_template”: “NotFoundException: Identity with ID or name 2c9180877a83ae10017aa423f79b45c4 was not found.”,
“slpt_error_code”: “SLPT-1009”,
“formatted_msg”: “NotFoundException: Identity with ID or name 2c9180877a83ae10017aa423f79b45c4 was not found.”,
“exception_id”: “17B5A5A0E76”,
“error_code”: 1009,
“exception_class”: “groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException”,
“exception_detail”: {
“file”: “RESTClient.java”,
“method”: “defaultFailureHandler”,
“line_number”: 240,
“class”: “groovyx.net.http.RESTClient”
“http_response_code”: 404,
“timestamp”: “2021-08-18 17:40:56.566”,
“exception_message”: “Not Found”

There is now a beta collection for managing roles. Take a look at PATCH /roles/{id}. The beta collection is going to have better documentation and support than the /cc version.

An example of updating the owner and name of a role might look like this:

PATCH /beta/roles/{id}

Request body:

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/owner",
        "value": {
            "type": "IDENTITY",
            "id": "2c9180a46faadee4016fb4e018c20639"
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/name",
        "value": "New role name"

Thank you. I just found in Beta API doc.


@colin_mckibben - I have noticed that , owner update looking for identityname as well along with identity id. When we have input just identity ID , API return the 200 response but owner is getting updated in IDN. But when I tried with name ( along with ID) , role getting owner update. can you please check and confirm the same?


Yes, you are correct. The docs are currently incorrect regarding the example for updating the owner of a role. Here is the correct PATCH body for updating the owner and name of a role.

        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/owner",
        "value": {
            "type": "IDENTITY",
            "id": "2c9180a46faadee4016fb4e018c20639",
            "name": "identity name here"
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/name",
        "value": "New role name"

I will put in a ticket to get the docs fixed. Thank you for pointing this out!