Unable to update access profile owner through API

Using this api - https://xyz-sb.api.identitynow.com/v2/access-profiles/2c9180857ed4e8e0017ee36098cd074f

following body,

"op": "replace",
"path": "/owner",
"value": [
"id": "2c9180857c0df7320e83481",
"type": "IDENTITY",
"name": "Madhu"

I am trying to update access profile owner but its failing to update owner. could you please guide me

Hi @gopugupta

I see you’re using the v2 API version. Try using the /beta version.

I tried using beta api also https://tenent.api.identitynow.com/beta/access-profiles/2c9180857c0df732017c10b020e83481
. it does not work…
“op”: “replace”,
“path”: “/owner”,
“value”: [
“id”: “2c9180857c0df732017c10b020e83481”,
“type”: “IDENTITY”,
“name”: “RRADD”

I see that your value is an array of objects. It should just be a single object. There can only be one owner. Try this:

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/owner",
    "value": {
        "type": "IDENTITY",
        "id": "2c9180857c0df732017c10b020e83481",
        "name": "RRADD"

Thank you…I am getting following error

“errorName”: “NotSupportedException”,
“errorMessage”: “RESTEASY003065: Cannot consume content type”,
“trackingId”: “56b5c22295694cf7a56c560df6b4b835”

Make sure to set your Content-Type header to application/json-patch+json. See the last header in this screenshot for an example.