Aggregating sudo permissions for Linux Systems

Hi All,

We are looking to aggregate the Linux sudo permissions of all users in ISC.

Currently, the OOTB configuration reads the /etc/sudoers file and gets the data.

We need to parse and get the permission from files under /etc/sudoers.d folder. Did anyone customize the sudocmdfiles parameter in linux connector?


Hi @arjun_sengupta,

Were you able to aggregate permissions from /etc/sudoers file?

We are having issues with all Linux boxes as even after doing all the pre-requisite we are unable to see permissions in entitlements.


Hi Shubham,

yes, If the /etc/sudoers have permissions, then it is coming up.

Add the sudocommands in schema and command as per documentation in the source though API.

Try running the command directly and see if you are getting error.


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