Adding redirection to another Form

I am trying to add a link to another QuickLink form in my current form.
So when I click on the link it takes the user to different form.
or can we add link in help message- like when user hovers over the (?) he can see where to go.


Since I cannot add buttons in between form or cannot use one button twice, how can I do this?

Hi @pctripathi,

Refer the below code to include a link in the form field.

    <Field name="Link" type="text">
          <entry key="contentIsEscaped" value="true"/>
		  <entry key="readOnly" value="true"/>
          return  "&lt;a href=\"URL" target=\"_blank\">Click here&lt;/a>";

Hi @Arun-Kumar
tried your approach but getting system error while opening form.
replaced the URL with actual URL.

Try to launch another workflow on click the link ‘Click here’, which will open the different form.
You could use rest API like /rest/workflows/TestWorkflow/launch

Hi @pctripathi,

Section type should be text. Try with this

		<Section name="Section 1" type="text">
		 <Field name="Link" type="text">
                <entry key="contentIsEscaped" value="true"/>
          return  "  &lt;a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Click here&lt;/a>";

if you are getting any error, please share the form xml and error.

Hi @Arun-Kumar
Can I also add another Quicklink form here with the approach you specified?
SO when the user clicks on the link it takes them to another Form in Sailpoint

Hi @pctripathi,

You cannot add a Quicklink to another quicklink in IIQ.
Quicklinks are limited to linking to external websites and specific internal pages, such as the debug page or dashboard.

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Okay @Arun-Kumar
Thank you. :grinning:

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