Active Directory Account SearchDN resetting

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.2

Please share any other relevant files that may be required (for example, logs).

Provisioner_API.txt (898 Bytes)

Share all details related to your problem, including any error messages you may have received.

Team, we’ve identified an unusual issue where, upon executing the Provisioner_API (file attached) code, the account search DN is being reset as the baseDN for the Active Directory application. We’ve observed this behavior consistently across all environments. Could you please investigate and provide guidance on what might be causing this issue?

  Identity drIdent = context.getObjectByName(Identity.class, identityName);

  ProvisioningPlan adPlan = new ProvisioningPlan();

  if(null != adPlan)
    AccountRequest acctReq = new AccountRequest();

    acctReq.add(new AttributeRequest("assignedRoles",ProvisioningPlan.Operation.Add,"SAP-EMP-BR"));


  custLog.debug("END Nav-CustomLCM-CreateUpdateDealer Workflow V1 :Provision New Account : AD PLAN TO XML ***##### :"+adPlan.toXml() ); 

  Provisioner provisioner = new Provisioner(context); 
  ProvisioningProject project =  provisioner.compile(adPlan);

Hi Milina,
Do you have any provisioning policy in the assigned role or in the AD app definition?

Hi @milinaphalke ,

The code snippet you shared is for provisioning a Role in IIQ. It doesn’t have any direct relation to the attributes of AD. As @kjakubiak mentioned check the provisioning policy or if there is any logic in Before Provisioning Rule which is causing this.

Thank for your inputs.
Yes a provisioning policy is associated which had a rule causing the issue.

Thanks for your inputs.
It helped to resolve the issue.

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