Active Directory Account Correlation works ONCE but never again

I have had an issue with the Active Directory connector and aggregations that I cannot seem to solve. I have correlation logic that takes 4 different steps for correlation:

  1. Identity Attribute (personalEmail) = Account Attribute (mail)
  2. Identity Attribute (email) = Account Attribute (mail)
  3. Identity Attribute (identificationNumber) = Account Attribute (employeeID)
  4. Identity Attribute (identificationNumber) = Account Attribute (employeeNumber)

When I set up the connector and aggregate accounts for the first time, this correlation logic works perfectly; all accounts that have a matching identity are correlated.

HOWEVER, after this first initial aggregation, no other accounts are successfully aggregated, no matter how many times I attempt. This is difficult to work with. There has to be something I am doing wrong, so Iā€™m hoping someone can help guide me.

I am confident that the attributes in the identity match the appropriate account attributes. I am attempting to trigger correlation by manually starting the Account Aggregation. Is this the correct method?


Hi Brennen,

The developer forum focuses on helping the developer community extend the capabilities of IDN beyond what is provided out of the box in the user interface. This typically involves the use of APIs and event triggers. The Compass community focuses on assisting admins with the configuration of their tenants within the IDN UI. To help us keep our conversations focused and to provide community members like you with the best possible experience, can you please ask your question in Compass? I think you will find knowledgeable experts in Compass that can assist you with your question as it relates to the UI. Thank you for your understanding.