I have had an issue with the Active Directory connector and aggregations that I cannot seem to solve. I have correlation logic that takes 4 different steps for correlation:
- Identity Attribute (personalEmail) = Account Attribute (mail)
- Identity Attribute (email) = Account Attribute (mail)
- Identity Attribute (identificationNumber) = Account Attribute (employeeID)
- Identity Attribute (identificationNumber) = Account Attribute (employeeNumber)
When I set up the connector and aggregate accounts for the first time, this correlation logic works perfectly; all accounts that have a matching identity are correlated.
HOWEVER, after this first initial aggregation, no other accounts are successfully aggregated, no matter how many times I attempt. This is difficult to work with. There has to be something I am doing wrong, so Iām hoping someone can help guide me.
I am confident that the attributes in the identity match the appropriate account attributes. I am attempting to trigger correlation by manually starting the Account Aggregation. Is this the correct method?