Accounts are not being created in a source, error 308

Accounts are not being created in a source, error 308.
According to this error, it is a change of url on their part, I checked and they told me that this url had indeed been changed.

So I changed the created account endpoint and wanted to know if there was any way I could do some testing to see if just changing the url would work?

Since there aren’t many signings in this case.

Hello @kaiolima ,

I think you should add location header with url in your curl request curl --location <url> or curl -L <url>.As 308 - status response code indicates that the resource requested has been definitively moved to the URL given by the Location headers.

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Thanks for the answer, I changed the url in the first image that has a yellow outline and the second image is an old url, would this change be correct?

Hello @kaiolima ,

Can you try curl request with -L instead of --location

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I did as suggested, so it was changed to -l and I changed the url that changed. Would there be any way to test? Or would I have to wait until I get hired?

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