I tried using the CASE WHEN but it is not working as expected. its like its ignoring any of my data and just providing the outcome of the ELSE in the query. What do i need to do to ensure it is reading the value in my file.
Hi @yannick_beot
We have a disconnected application(delimited) where the requirement is same we need to disable/enable the account in IDN based on a attribute we have as User Status where we are getting a string as a value for that as active or inactive in this case how can I control the account enabling/disabling.?
If you can give us any suggestions it would be really helpful
I think what is wrong in your code is the “if” statement that you’ve written in Line 5.
It should be if(map!=null && !map.isEmpty()) because if you are passing data in your map then map.isEmpty() will be false and the code inside your “if” statement(Line 5) will not get executed as the condition doesn’t satisfy, thereby not updating your Map with IIQDisabled attribute.
You can also put a print Statement after your “if”(Line 5) block to print out all the key value pairs being returned through the map in your return statement.
Same need for us, we have a delimited file and SQL Loader connectors with columns for the status of account (A = enabled, D = disabled) in our IDN implementation.
How could we do this with IDN ? Should we use a rule ?