We are on IIQ 8.3 and have some Roles setup for a specific employeeType. For the IT Role we are using an account selector rule that I am having trouble with.
I only want the role to provision if the AD Account has an employeeType of ‘Contractor’.
The problem is some Contractors are not given an AD Account. In this scenario, the Rule returns a null value and tries to provision one (not wanted) and fails.
I just want the rule to provision the entitlement if the rule criteria is met, and nothing else.
Here is the rule -
if (null != links) {
for (Link link : links) {
if ("Contractor".equalsIgnoreCase(link.getAttribute("employeeType"))){
return link;
return null;
If there is not a link on the Identity Cube, does anyone know a better way to make it just not attempt provisioning?
Is it better if I just add the criteria into the Match List on the Business Role, that way it wont even get the Business Role if no AD Account is found?
Thanks for any assistance!