Account aggregation Task Result CSV. Is it possible that CSV file should be sent out as an email attachment once task is completed?

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Version 8.3

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Once the Account Aggregation task is completed, Is that possible that the CSV file created in the task result can be sent out as an Email attachment.
If yes, please suggest the possible steps to perform the same.

check option for Email Task Alerts in Task Definition , I see below email template can be used and one of the arg is resultId I think this can be used to get the result data .

but if you are looking for the CSV attached , i don;t think any ootb option . you may need to use the sequential task were the later one will read the data from the 1st task and send the email with attached CSV.

Thanks @vishal_kejriwal1 would you be able to share the reference links if any to read about it on how it can be done.

something like below you can use

#set($spctx=$spTools.class.forName("sailpoint.api.SailPointFactory").getMethod("getFactory", null).invoke(null, null).getCurrentContext())
#set($taskResultObject = $spctx.getObjectById($spTools.class.forName("sailpoint.object.TaskResult"), $id))

taskResultObject should have required value .

Thanks @vishal_kejriwal1,
We tried the above solutions; we are able to return the taskResult object and also the jasper Result as well, could you please suggest how to convert the jasperResult into human readable format like CSV format.


I don’t think you can add CSV file with velocity , I would recommend that you cab add the required value in body of email.

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Hi @anubhav_varshney07,

Please try the sample code from below link and let me know if it helps to achieve your use-case.


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Hi @anubhav_varshney07 , Is you issue resolved ?

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