Account Activities Error Message in Saved Search Query

Hi all.

We are scheduling saved search to send out report but we are having issues to include Account Activities error message in the reports columns. The report to be sent is expected to include a list of failed accounts after daily aggregation.

In POST /v3/search API, we include the “accountRequests.result.errors” and the error message can be returned in the API response.

However, in the POST /v3/saved-searches API, the report generated doesn’t include the error message as what I saw from the previous API response.

This is the request body:

    "name": "Failed Account After Aggregation From All Target",
    "description": "Failed Account Status After Aggregation in all target systems in the past 24 hours.",
    "indices": [
    "accountactivities": [
                "field": "recipient",
                "header": "User"
                "field": "accountRequests.result.errors",
                "header": "Error"
    "query": "created:[now-1d TO now] AND status:incomplete AND (sources:\"AD-source\")"


Any help provided is very much appreciated!

Since the output of a saved search is a CSV file, I’m guessing the issue is in trying to reference an array field in your column. It is likely expecting a single value field, like a string, number, or object. I don’t think you can used saved search to export array fields. You can try just exporting the entire accountRequests field in the column to capture all of the information.

      "field": "accountRequests",
      "header": "Error"

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