We are looking to add an agreement to terms and conditions when someone requests access to a specific role. Has anyone done anything like this or know if it is possible?
This should be possible by implementing a custom IdentityIQ Plugin. For example, there is a Plugin that requires users to enter comments when submitting an Access Request (https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/Plugin-Framework/Access-Request-Comments-Required/ta-p/166056). This Plugin displays a popup on the browser (via a Javascript code snippet) where the user can input their comments. So, it should be possible to create a similar Plugin which displays a popup with Terms & Conditions that a user must click on.
Another option would be to customize the Access Request Workflow, to add a step which displays a Form with the Terms & Conditions. The user would have to click “Submit” on the Form in order to continue with the rest of the Workflow.