Access request - Iterating over result set > 250

Hello team,

Looking for some input on how to process the result set from /beta/access-request-status?count=true:

The “X-Total-Count” resp. header returns 2070 access requests of which only the default/first 250 are returned.

Here’s a Java snippet I wrote that will paginate thru the entire result set and fetch the next set of records based on the offset:

public class Test {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int x = 2070; // value returned from initial API call
		int resultOffset = 251;
		int pageSize = 250;
		int numOfPages;
		int i = 0;
		String apiUrl = "GET /beta/access-request-status?offset=";
		if (x > pageSize) {
			numOfPages = x / pageSize;
			System.out.println("Num of pages: "+numOfPages);
			while (resultOffset <= x) {
				System.out.println("Iteration #"+ ++i);

Here’s the output:

Num of pages: 8
Iteration #1
GET /beta/access-request-status?offset=251
Iteration #2
GET /beta/access-request-status?offset=502
Iteration #3
GET /beta/access-request-status?offset=753
Iteration #4
GET /beta/access-request-status?offset=1004
Iteration #5
GET /beta/access-request-status?offset=1255
Iteration #6
GET /beta/access-request-status?offset=1506
Iteration #7
GET /beta/access-request-status?offset=1757
Iteration #8
GET /beta/access-request-status?offset=2008

Most of the GET API’s have this offset/count variable. Is this the right way to iterate through API’s that that only return a default (250) result set?

Hi Mario,

Some feedback:

  1. You’re adding one too many to the offset, it should be:
    offset=0 (implied: your initial call with count=true)

  2. You should include count=250 in your call. Not only does it make the code more flexible, it will also handle if SailPoint change the default page size in the future.


Thanks @Ramiro that did the trick