Access Request config update fail


I am trying to update ‘Access Request Config’ through API. Its not allowing me to update when trying to add anything other than null in below. Followed the url…



"detailCode": "400.1 Bad request content",

"trackingId": "a3ca96321ae34897b8bef2aad0fc182b",

"messages": [


"locale": "en-US",

"localeOrigin": "DEFAULT",

"text": "The request was syntactically correct but its content is semantically invalid."



"causes": []


Any idea ?

And also if we change access request config does this apply to certification reminders and escalations as well?

Hi @YIOA1, can you share the request body you sent to the API? You can obfuscate sensitive values with fake ones, but be sure the rest of the request is just as you sent it.


	"approvalsMustBeExternal": false,
	"autoApprovalEnabled": false,
	"requestOnBehalfOfConfig": {
		"allowRequestOnBehalfOfAnyoneByAnyone": true,
		"allowRequestOnBehalfOfEmployeeByManager": false
	"approvalReminderAndEscalationConfig": {
		"daysUntilEscalation": 1,
		"daysBetweenReminders": 1,
		"maxReminders": 1,
		"fallbackApproverRef": {
			"type": "IDENTITY",
			"id": "xxxx",
			"name": "John XXXY",
			"email": "[email protected]"
	"entitlementRequestConfig": {
		"allowEntitlementRequest": false,
		"requestCommentsRequired": false,
		"deniedCommentsRequired": false,
		"grantRequestApprovalSchemes": "sourceOwner"


@jordan_violet , I did try with PATCH {{apiurl}}/v2/org and it work to update. Whats the difference between beta /V2/V3 api?


“approvalConfig”: {

    "daysTillEscalation": 3,

    "daysBetweenReminders": 2,

    "maxReminders": 2,

    "fallbackApprover":   "[email protected]"


@jordan_violet , Does this approval config work for Certification Reminder and Escalation emails?

@YIOA1 I’m able to get a successful update with a similar body to what you provided.


    "approvalsMustBeExternal": false,
    "autoApprovalEnabled": false,
    "requestOnBehalfOfConfig": {
        "allowRequestOnBehalfOfAnyoneByAnyone": true,
        "allowRequestOnBehalfOfEmployeeByManager": false
    "approvalReminderAndEscalationConfig": {
        "daysUntilEscalation": 1,
        "daysBetweenReminders": 1,
        "maxReminders": 1,
        "fallbackApproverRef": {
            "type": "IDENTITY",
            "id": "2c9180867624cbd704b3a2d8c8c81f67"
    "entitlementRequestConfig": {
        "allowEntitlementRequest": false,
        "requestCommentsRequired": false,
        "deniedCommentsRequired": false,
        "grantRequestApprovalSchemes": "sourceOwner"

Response: 200 OK

    "approvalsMustBeExternal": false,
    "autoApprovalEnabled": false,
    "requestOnBehalfOfConfig": {
        "allowRequestOnBehalfOfAnyoneByAnyone": true,
        "allowRequestOnBehalfOfEmployeeByManager": false
    "approvalReminderAndEscalationConfig": {
        "daysUntilEscalation": 1,
        "daysBetweenReminders": 1,
        "maxReminders": 1,
        "fallbackApproverRef": {
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "type": "IDENTITY",
            "id": "2c9180867624cbd704b3a2d8c8c81f67",
            "name": "john.doe"
    "entitlementRequestConfig": {
        "allowEntitlementRequest": false,
        "requestCommentsRequired": false,
        "deniedCommentsRequired": false,
        "grantRequestApprovalSchemes": "sourceOwner"

Thank you for information. I did try with this ‘PUT {{apiurl}}/beta/access-request-config/’ it didn’t work but when I did with ‘PATCH {{apiurl}}/v2/org’ it did work. Will try this. What’s the difference between beta /V2/V3 ?
We have client requirement to send reminder emails for x days instead of default 7 and escalation emails .Does the above approval config work for Certification Reminder and Escalation emails? If not how to configure that?