XML Object Exporter Error: "could not extract ResultSet"


We recently upgraded from IIQ 8.3p2 to 8.4p1 and after this the XML Object Exporter task is not working properly.

I already updated the IIQ Object Exporter Plugin to version 4.2.0, but keeps failing with the error “could not extract ResultSet”, right after the task starts to run.

Can you guys give a hint on what is going on or how can I debug this?


Hi @persio_hartmann,

Is it possible for you to share the log trace? Also have you checked isolating the issue with the specific class? Like just try to export a specific class and see if error is coming or it is generic for all?


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Hi @ashutosh08,

Thank you for your reply!

Do you suggest a specific log for me to trace in log4j2?

I have a list of classes that I export. I will try one by one and check if any of them fails.

My suspicion is that a new column (SIGNIFICANT_MODIFIED) is missing in one of IIQ tables. I will investigate that and return here with the results.


Enable the log to get more information
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ObjectExporter.class);


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Guys, my suspicion was right. The SIGNIFICANT_MODIFIED column was missing at the SPT_ACCOUNT_GROUP table. Something failed when we upgraded the database.
After the column creating, the error stopped.


Yes , SIGNIFICANT_MODIFIED is added to every table in 8.4 onwards .

My Mercury Cyber Object Exporter plugin fixes this issue and has a lot more capabilities, if you want to try it out.

Nice Keith!
Where can I get it?


Sorry I don’t know how to properly insert that accented e. Us Americans… limited to 26 characters.

You can find the plugin at mercurycyber.com

I provide this using the MIT license so it is free to use. My website has an e-commerce component to create an account and has a shopping cart, but since I charge $0.00 for the products it doesn’t ask for a payment. You just have to navigate through the steps to be able to download the zip file. You don’t have to create an account, but if you do, please provide me with feedback since I can’t access that part, being the web admin.

The website has documentation at the top of the main page for each plugin. Let me know if anything is confusing.

Thanks Keith, I will take closer look.


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