We are trying to write back to a Custom Object in Workday.
We are in our Sandbox environment writing back to the Workday Preview instance.
Everytime we try this, we get back an error of “Not Found”.
The full error is ["openconnector.ConnectorException: [ ConnectorException ] \n [ Error details ] Exception : { \"error\": \"Not found\" }"]
In working with the Workday HRIS user, we have been given access to a field with the Custom Object Name as MO365. In our integration file, the field is given to us as MO365 as well, and in the SailPoint Schema, it is entered as MO365__c. We can pull the data on users that have it populated, but in trying to write it back, we are getting the error of “Not Found”.
in following this documentation Configuration to Update Custom Attributes in Workday, we have all the needed permissions on the Workday side, as well as have the restCustomObjectAliasMap.
in the example is states customeObject.customAttribute shoudl be entered in the restCustomObjectAlias, but this is where the disconnect is, we feel.
The example documentation and example do not state/show where to get these values from.
We have tried the customObject as the Custom Object Name and the customAttribute as the Field Name from the Custom Object. We have also tried their alias names, but both do not work and give that Not Found error when trying to sync the attributes back.
Has anyone got these to work and if so, what values did you use? What other permissions if any did you need to give?
Any helpful insight is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
some additional pieces…
Workday Custom Object Name = MO365
Workday Custom Object Name Alias = mo365
Workday Custom Object Field Type = MO365List
Workday Custom Object Field Type Alias = mo365list
Workday Custom Object Field Name = MO365ListLabel
Workday Custom Object Field Name Alias = mo365listlabel
Workday Integration Field Name = MO365
SailPoint Schema Attribute = MO365__c
restCustomObjectAliasMap trials
- “MO365__c”: “MO365.MO365ListLabel”
- “MO365__c”: “mo365.mo365listlabel”
- “MO365__c”: “MO365.MO365”
- “MO365__c”: “mo365.MO365”
- “MO365__c”: “MO365.MO365List”
- “MO365__c”: “mo365.mo365list”