WorkItems API LIST Filtering/Sorting

Our leadership team wants to see metrics showing how many workitems are processed by month - and a breakdown of how many items in each plan are associated with direct-connected sources versus sources which use delimited files.

I thought I’d be able to do this with the data coming back from GET /work-items/completed - but it only seems to return a partial set, beginning with the oldest and stopping after several iterations (around 4200 items returned, ending with data from the previous calendar year).

Could we get some date-range filtering options (startdate=2023-01-01&enddate=2023-01-31) OR at least the ability to start from most recent and go backwards (sort=newest)?

I’ve placed a support ticket since there seems to be a stop-point in what data gets returned. I’ve even tried starting with a higher offset, but work-items after 1/1/23 are not being returned by this call.

Stand-down - I thought work-items would return items sent to our ServiceNow integration, but it only returns those handled within SailPoint.