Workflow to send an email to manager for all the contractors end date is exactly 23 days from today

Hi team,

We would like to schedule a workflow to send an email to manager for all the contractors, whose end date is exactly 23 days from today. Do we have any sample workflows to refer to build this?

Hi @Shonnegowda,

You can make use of a scheduled trigger, then call a Search API with the query (attributes.endDate:[now+22d TO now+23d]).

Then you can loop through the search results and send out email for each user manager.

Here is a sample WF that you can start with.

SendEmailtomanager20241023.json (2.8 KB)


Thanks for the sample, it saves my time. I’ll check this

Hi @Shonnegowda,

Another approach you can consider (As the loop has a count limitation) is to set up a transform, that sets a flag on the user, based on the start date value.

Then make use of an identity attributes changed trigger based on the above flag to trigger the emails per user.

I thought of this option, but we are trying to avoid adding new identity attribute

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